
HDRip Movie Stream Three Christs

Three Christs Rated 4.9 / 5 based on 473 reviews.





2017 / average Rating=6,5 / 10 / Director=Jon Avnet / Star=Bradley Whitford, Richard Gere / countries=USA / runtime=109 M. Three christs true story. "Three Christs" was a last minute choice of mine at the TIFF. As a big Dinklage's fan, and considering that it was a world premiere, it was easy enough to go check it out. I'm glad I did. This movie is one about the brain and its struggles, but it does so with a big heart. It's funny and touching with a good balance, and the acting is top notch (I'm actually a bigger Dinklage's fan after the movie. The underlying themes about psychiatry as science and its potential negative effect on personality, the nature of identity, the complex interaction of desire and fear are inhabiting the film and are as relevant today as they were at the time. In summary, a great entertaining movie with a deeper layer. and a stellar Dinklage.

This is a great movie. to finally get a good night sleep in or to poop on. Three christs trailer subtitulado. Three christs of ypsilanti-amazon. Three christs. Did they HAVE to put the epic music in? It doesn't fit here. GALAXY QUEST BOY. Just the fact that Steve buscemi, Daniel Radcliffe, and Angela from the office are all in this is enough reason to make me watch it. Three christs (2017. Three christs trailer 2019. Apa kalian sudah Nonton Film Three Christs (2017)? Sekarang ini banyak netizen yang suka menghabiskan waktu untuk menonton film streaming online di internet. Bahkan, Sampai berlangganan di salah satu platform media streaming berbayar. seperti Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, iflix, HOOQ, dan VIU. Film terbaru BOX OFFICE biasanya yang selalu menjadi pilihan para netijen. Bahkan, Film-film Drama Korea tidak terlewatkan bagi para Korean Lover. Kali ini kita akan bahas film dengan judul Three Christs (2017) yang dapat kalian tonton secara gratis di Nonton Movie Streaming Online Film Bioskop LK21 IndoXXI. Nonton Online Streaming film Three Christs (2017) dapat anda tonton melalui PC/Laptop maupun Gadget dan Smartphone. Tau gak? Nonton Film Streaming disini gratis lho! Hanya dengan mempunyai kuota internet yang cukup dan koneksi yang stabil kamu dapat menonton film dan film paling populer seperti TV Series (Serial TV) seperti The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones, Maupun Drama Korea Terbaru (Drakor) dengan Subtitle Indonesia / Subtitle Inggris yang selalu bikin terharu, kocak, gemes, gregetan atau anda juga bisa menonton film dengan pilihan kategori pilihan anda seperti Drama atau film populer United States dari pembaruan musim kami dengan jadwal flm dan serial tvshows terbaik.. Pokoknya bukan film kaleng-kaleng Nonton di Nonton Movie Streaming Online Film Bioskop LK21 IndoXXI. Asyiik kan, hanya degan modal kuota internet saja, anda sudah bisa menonton film terbaru dan terpopuler saat ini dengan kualitas video yang baik seperti Bluray, HD, 1080p maupun dari kelas kecil seperti SD dan CAM. Tips Nonton Film di Galaxy XXI Pastikan Browser Anda Sudah Terupdate Versi Yang Terbaru Mengaktifkan JAVASCRIPT pada Browser (Browser Setting) Terkoneksi Internet yang stabil dan Memiliki Kuota Unlimeted. Mengunakan Browser Google CHROME (Paling di Rekomendasikan). Jika tidak bisa diputar: bersihkan cache, lakukan reload browser.

Three christs scene. Three christs dvd release. Three christs trailer subtitulado español. Three christs book. Three christs reviews. Three christ of latter. Three christ briost. Three christ des saints. HIPSILANTI? come on. Just Woooooowww My late Dad was a Purple Heart recipient from the Vietnam war. I miss him so much and I learned so much from his fascinating life. I'm not going to say its tone deaf before seeing it but that is the impression the trailer has given me. Three christs movie. Would love to see it. Love Juliana Marguilles ! The book is incredible. I remember Daniel Radcliffe were in Harry Potter.

Three christs (2017) trailer.
Three christmas.
Three christs 2017.
Grug Has own moving picture, Grug see moving picture from strange glowing shiny moving rock, Grug choke chicken.
(movie) rists.2019.

Hush little darling there’s no need to Angel will watch over you while you sleep. Drift off to Dreamland in slumber so sweetAnd fly with the Angel to Paradise Keep Mommy, she loves you. And Daddy does ’ll be there in Dreamland, a’waiting for you. It’s a sweet little poem, isn’t it? My Mom used to sing it to me when I was a little boy. I remember her soft, honey dipped voice reciting the words, and the expression of love in her eyes as she sang. I remember that she sang it to me the night before she died. Then she kissed me goodnight for the last time. Such a tender moment. The kind you take for granted in your childhood. You fall asleep after a lullaby like that feeling safe, and certain that when you wake up, the world will be the same as you left it. Mine wasn’t though. I woke up the next morning to find out that my parents had been killed in a car accident. They’d left my Aunt Stacey to keep an eye on me, while they took my sister and went to see a movie. The way I’d heard it, they’d skidded off the road and that was it. *** Aunt Stacey had woken me up on my 21st Birthday with pancakes and eggs, like she always did. She’d taken good care of me since my family had passed, and I really can’t say I’d have wanted to spend the past seventeen years anywhere else. I had a class that day, so I went out and dealt with that. I got a few ‘Happy Birthday’ texts, and some well wishing Facebook posts. But nothing spectacular. The party wasn’t going to start until that evening, and I was pretty excited for it! As the late afternoon passed and early evening finally rolled around, I got home and started to get ready for that night's festivities. It was the usual birthday deal, me and my friends would get hammered and go to the strip club, because nothing rings in a new year of life better than beer and tits. I was feeling good, my wallet was fat with cash and I was headed to the door when I saw my Aunt sitting patiently in the front hall. She smiled at me when she saw me walking down the stairs, all dressed up and ready to party. “You look more like your father every day, ” she said, a bittersweet hint of sadness in her voice. “Thanks, ” I replied and returned her smile. “I’ll probably be back late, so don’t wait up for me, okay? ” “Okay, ” she said, her smile fading. “Jack, there’s something I want you to look at before you go. ” There was a sense of urgency in her tone, but at that point in time, I didn’t care. I had other places to be. “Can’t it wait until tomorrow? ” I asked, “I don’t think it can. ” I narrowed my eyes at her. She looked unusually solemn, a drastic change from her usual constant smile. That concerned me. “Okay, what’s this about then? ” I asked, studying her face for a hint of what she was going to say next. I saw nothing. “Well, I was hoping we could talk about it. I’ve been thinking of the best way to bring this up… I made honeyed ham by the way. ” One of my favorites. “That’s really great, but, I’ve kinda got other plans for tonight. ” I admitted. Aunt Stacey shook her head. “This is more important. Jack, we need to discuss this. ” “Well, why couldn’t we have done it earlier, or later? ” I asked, “I appreciate you cooking and all, but… I mean, I can’t just cancel on Jason! ” Her expression soured. “Jason. ” She scoffed, “I thought I told you I don’t like you spending time with him. ” “I’m 21. I think I can pick my own friends! ” “And have poor choice on them. I know his type. I know a druggie when I see one. ” She wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t going to admit that. “Why does it even matter? ” I asked, “Look, if it’s that important, just tell me now, okay? ” “It’s… It’s complicated. ” Aunt Stacey said, “Look, I would really rather talk it out over dinner. ”“And I’ve got someplace to be! ” This was an impasse, and from the anger on Aunt Staceys face, I knew it was going to blow up into a full on argument any minute now. I was right too. “Jack, I’ve made myself clear! You’re not going out with that druggie, especially not tonight! I don’t know how many times I have to tell you how important this is, so please don’t give me a hard time! ” She sighed in frustration, “This is not how I saw this going. ” Just then there was a knock at the window, and sure enough Jason’s face was there, grinning from ear to ear. Aunt Stacey’s look soured, but I had my last word before she could say anything. “Look, if it was so important you could’ve told me sooner. We can talk tomorrow! ”“Jack, wait! ” I pushed past her and headed out the door. Jason greeted me with a wide grin. “Hey man, we were waiting in the car for you! ” “Sorry… Just talking to my Aunt. ” I murmured, and pushed past him to head out towards the car. Whatever Aunt Stacey had on her mind that was so important she decided to spring it on me at the last possible minute, it fell into the back of my mind fairly quickly. I didn’t want to let it bother me. After all, you only turn 21 once. I drank with the rest of the guys, and after a couple of hours I’d managed to down about seven beers, so I was good, and wasted. The guys were more than happy to pay for my lapdances. Petey, who’d been my friend for as long as I could remember was especially keen on them. “So, how much for more than a lapdance. ” He asked one girl playfully. She regarded him with a fake smile. “What do you mean, like… a handjob? ” “Maybe a little more. ” Petey said with a wink, “My friend Jack here. He’s never felt a real pussy before. How much to make him the happiest man alive? ” The stripper seemed to think it over before shaking her head. “No… Sorry, that’s not what we do here. ”“Alright, alright. Well. Here’s the 20 for your trouble, thank you gorgeous! ” She took the money a little reluctantly, and I made sure not to give her a hard time when she led me into the back room. Despite his brash demeanor, Petey is a good guy. He’s a major asshole sometimes, but aren’t we all? When I got back from that dance, Petey was trying to negotiate with another stripper. She had a look of utter disgust on her face. Jason was watching somewhat amused as the other guys who were more his friends than mine watched the dancer on the stage. “Hey, Jack. ” Jason said, and waved me over. “I’ll cover your next dance. I’ve got a feeling Petey’s gonna get in deep shit soon. ” “You think? ” I scoffed. Jason just laughed. “Alright, maybe it’s obvious. Hey, by the way! I had a little birthday gift for you…” He reached into his pocket and took out a pill bottle. From it, he took out a little pill with a star on it. “Forgot about this. This is gonna kick your shit into high gear man. ” I didn’t even question it. I downed it with a sip of beer. Jasons smile never faded and he made eye contact with a passing stripper, luring her over. “Three dances with my friend here. ” He said, offering her sixty bucks. “Show him a good time! ” The stripper smiled and took me by the hand, leading me towards the back rooms again. Jason was right. Whatever he gave me made me feel fucking great. I think it was probably molly. I probably should’ve asked him. I was pretty drunk already so it’s hard to call back too many memories. I remember tits, music, and Peteys deep bellowing laugh. Then I remember getting up to take a piss, and that’s when everything went wrong. Some sick jackass had taken a shit in the only urinal, so I had to take my business to the stall. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was like I was being stabbed. I screamed but no one could hear me, and the stabbing pain slowly traveled down my chest, and into my stomach, leaving a trail of agony as it went. That was when I realized the screaming I was hearing was not my own. It was a woman, shrieking in agony, and fear. Faintly, I could hear someone yelling: No! No! Please God No! The pain was getting more and more intense. It felt like my entrails were being torn out and I screamed again. The stall door came open and I hit the ground, writhing in pain. The voice was pleading now, louder than before. No… not like this… not like this… By then the pain was radiating throughout my skin, and was horribly unimaginable. The pain was worse than anything I have ever experienced in my life. Then suddenly it was fading. I heard a faint breathing in the distance, and slowly that stopped too. As suddenly as it had arrived, the pain was gone and replaced with an overwhelming sensation of fear. I think that might have been worse than the pain. Soon, the fear was gone as well and I lay on the bathroom floor, breathing heavily and on the verge of passing out. For all I know I might have passed out entirely. I have no idea how much time passed. I know that when I finally regained some of my senses, and I tried to stand up, I felt a clinging warmth against my crotch and realized that I’d pissed myself. The dark stain was clearly visible against my jeans. The pain was gone, but the memory was not. I was sweating and shaking. I didn’t want to stand. I no longer cared about my damn birthday. I shambled drunkenly towards the bathroom door and out into the club. Thankfully the lights were dim and everyone else was focused on the girls on stage. Petey got up to greet me, but watched dumbfounded as I went for the door. He followed me close enough to see me collapse again when I reached the parking lot. “Dude! ” He said, “Are you okay? ” I shook my head. “Pain…” I murmured, “Fuck… There was a lotta pain…” I looked up into his concerned face. “I wanna hospital man… I don’t feel good…” He didn’t hesitate, immediately going for his phone to call Jason. One of Jason’s friends was our DD, and he was thankfully not too busy to drive me to the emergency ward. I told them everything. I told them about the drugs and the booze. I didn’t rat on Jason of course. I’d never do that! But I didn’t want to die because I’d lied about taking some molly. The doctors did their tests, and Petey was there the entire time. He sat patiently in the waiting room, not saying a damn thing. Jason and the other guy never showed up, but that was fine. It wouldn’t be fair for me to ruin their night of tits and fun. I expected the tests to come up with something… but no. “You’re physically fine. ” The Doctor told me when he came in. I’d sobered up a bit since then. “Stupid, but fine. No sign that anything is wrong with you. But keep a close eye on it, alright. If you feel any more pain, come straight back. ” “I will. ” I said softly. The memory of the pain had mostly faded now. I really did feel fine! When I walked out into the waiting room, Petey stood up eagerly. “You good, man? ” He asked. “Yeah. I’m good. ” I murmured, “I think I just wanna go home. ” He nodded and didn’t argue. Home was little more than walking distance from the hospital, and Petey stuck with me most of the way back. “You good to make it home? ” He asked as he stopped outside of his parents place. “Yeah, I’m good. ” I said. Aunt Stacey’s place was less than a block away. I knew I’d be fine. “Thanks for everything man, see you later. ” He nodded at me and went inside as I finished my walk alone. I got home at around 3:30 in the morning. The house was eerily quiet, but most frighteningly of all, it felt occupied. I made my first stop to my bedroom so I could change my pants. I probably still smelled like piss but I was too tired to care. As I threw on clean underwear and a fresh pair of jeans, I heard soft footsteps in the hallway outside my door. Was my Aunt awake? I peeked out into the hall and saw nothing but darkness. Empty, foreboding darkness, and it filled me with a primal sense of fear, not too different from what I’d felt in the bathroom, but much weaker. Slowly, I started down the hall. I thought about my Aunt and how she’d wanted to talk to me earlier. I supposed now would be as good a time as any to resume that conversation. Maybe she was awake anyways. As I drew closer to her room, I started to notice a weird, sweet smell that grew stronger the closer I got. By the time I reached her door, the smell was almost overpowering. I opened her door, and turned on the light. What I saw was… Oh God… I didn’t even recognize her at first. There was just the red shape stuck to the wall. It took a few minutes before I realized that it was a person. It was Aunt Stacey. Her remains were held to the wall by seven large, metal spikes driven into her arms and shoulders. Her skin was gone. Torn off in chunks and exposing the muscle and tendon beneath. Her face… the skin that was her face… was torn completely in two and lay discarded on the ground with the rest of her skin. The empty holes that once housed her friendly eyes now stared up at the blood stained ceiling like the eyes of a discarded mask. Her new face… her skull had flaps of torn muscle hanging off it. Her jaw was half torn off, and her eyes were torn from their sockets. Her chest and stomach had been torn open, exposing her ruined insides. Her guts strewn carelessly across the room. I could see her entrails hanging from her body, and her stomach slashed open on the floor, spilling its contents. Her lungs were shredded, and her liver was ripped apart. The most disturbing thing though was her heart. It was neatly placed on the pillow and something had taken a bite out of it. Before I screamed, I vomited, and from the corner of my eye I thought I saw something in the mirror move out of sight. At the time I never thought much about it. It was only later that it seemed important at all. Terrified, crying and sick, I stumbled out of her bedroom and towards the nearest phone. Within an hour, the police were there. I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs when the first cop walked into the room. I could hear him screaming, and the sudden thumping as he stumbled back in horror. His partner called in for countless units and soon enough I was subjected to a blur of questions. I don’t remember most of my answers. I don’t remember much at all. I only remember the horror deep in my stomach as I wondered who could ever do such horrific things to Aunt Stacey… *** The next few weeks passed in a blur as well. I remember fragments of it. A closed casket funeral. An empty house and worst of all a crushing silence. The house was mine now, a lawyer had made that clear to me. I tried to focus my idle time into learning how to pay a bill, but aside from Aunt Stacey's modest inheritance, I didn’t have much in the way of money. The Police only spoke to me sparingly, and they had little to offer. There was no lead on who’d murdered my Aunt. No fingerprints. No DNA. Nothing. She was just dead, and I had no idea how to pick up the pieces. I wasn’t eating much. I did what I could of my courses online, but I had no hope of a future graduation. I couldn’t afford next semesters tuition. Aunt Stacey had lived cheque to cheque, relying on loans that I couldn’t pay back. She’d worked two waitressing jobs to provide for me, and I’d never actually had a job in my life. I looked of course, but people want to hire experience. No one wants to hire a depressed frat boy. I drank what little alcohol was kept in the house for the momentary bliss it could give me, but even that felt cheapened. I saw myself falling down a pit and I saw no way out. I was good and truly fucked, and there was no way around that. When Jason came around, I was almost surprised to see him. He had the same friendly, carefree smile he’d always had. Like nothing was wrong with his world. He was the man in charge. He always was. “Sup Jack. ” He said. “Hey. ” My voice was dull and tired. “What do you want? ” It wasn’t meant to sound rude, but it did anyways. “Just checking on my main man. ” Jason said. He slid through the half open door like a rodent. “Yeesh. This place is fucking glum…” He murmured, “No one’s seen you in a while. We were getting worried. ” “Yeah, well in case you haven’t noticed, my lifes kinda gone to shit. Jason shrugged. “Well, happens to the best of us. ” Usually, I liked his cool as a cucumber attitude, but in that moment, it was really just pissing me off. “Look man, this isn’t a good time. ” I said, “I’ve got shit to do. ” “I promise, I won’t be long. ” Jason assured me, “You weren’t answering your phone so I wanted to give you a personal invite. Me and some of the guys are throwing a party this weekend. We’d love to see you there! ” I frowned. A party was the last thing I needed in that moment. “No thanks. ” “Come on! Okay, this guy I know hooked me up. He’s got columbian gold, man! Seriously, it’ll turn that frown upside down! You’re gonna love it, and trust me you need a win! ” I looked back at him. My anger was threatening to boil over. Was he seriously here to invite me to a fucking drug party, after all that happened? “Are you serious? ” I asked. Jason kept grinning. “Dead serious man! It’ll be fucking great, I promise! ” “Get the fuck out. ” My words were curt and to the point but Jason looked confused. “Wha…? ”“I said get the fuck out! Are you deaf! Jesus Christ… Stacey was right about you… All you are is a fucking druggie. Do I look like I need to get fucking high right now, Jason? ” He took a step back, his smile gone. “Look, I wasn’t trying to…” “GET THE FUCK OUT! GET OUT! ” I seized an old trinket off a nearby table and hurled it at the wall behind him. One of Aunt Stacey's beloved porcelain dolls shattered. Jason ducked out of the way and backed towards the door. “DON’T YOU EVER FUCKING COME BACK! ” I snarled, “DO YOU HEAR ME? ”He didn’t respond. He just disappeared out the door, and that was the last I saw of him. I sank down onto the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. I hated my life. I hated everything. After a while, I picked myself up and climbed into bed. I needed to sleep and mope and heal. The pain woke me up. It felt like I was being violently beaten. I could feel every blow but as I kicked the sheets off of me, I felt no assailant. There was no one else in the room with me, but the pain was still there! I couldn’t breathe. My ribs ached. I collapsed onto the ground, tangled in my bedsheets and doubled over in pain, dry heaving to catch my breath again. The assault seemed to stop… but the pain didn’t go away as quickly as it did before. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I slowly recovered, then, when I was ready, I picked myself up off the ground and checked the time. My nap had cost me five hours. Five hours I could’ve spent trying to figure out the disaster I was in. I thought about calling a doctor, but I felt fine now… Maybe it was a dream? Could dreams hurt? I didn’t know for sure. Still tired, I went to the living room to get my laptop and see if I could find any new job listings. It wasn’t even an hour later when I heard a pounding on the door. “Jack! Jack, you bastard, open up! ” I recognized Petey’s voice and stood up slowly to peek at him through the window. “I see you! ” he snapped. I’d never seen him so angry before. I couldn’t understand why. Still, I opened the door and was greeted with a fist to the face. “You sonofabitch! ” Petey growled as I hit the ground. My nose was broken. I could taste my own blood. “What the hell is wrong with you? You think you can just fucking treat Jason like that? ” “He came into my house and tried to sell me drugs! ” I groaned, trying to stand up, “Do you really think I need that right now? ” “So what? You come after him and nearly kill him? ” Petey snapped, “What the fuck is wrong with you, man? ” I blinked. “Come after him… No… No I’ve been here…” “Bullshit! We saw you at Jason’s place! You walked right through the door and just lost your fucking shit at him! You nearly fucking killed him you psycho fuck! ” He drew a foot back and kicked me in the arm. It hurt, but not that bad. “Petey, what the hell! No! No I didn’t! ” I scrambled clumsily back away from him. He glared at me, eyes settling on my arm. “I saw you…” He said coldly, “He’s in the fucking hospital, Jack! ” “Jesus…” My heart skipped in my chest. I slowly stood up, “Petey… it wasn’t me. You’ve got to believe me…” Petey continued to stare at my arm. “Roll up your sleeve. ” He said, and I did. Bare skin. Nothing special about it. Petey just stared, and reached out to touch my skin. “No… No, no, no… What the fuck…” “What the hell are you doing? ” I asked, and pulled away from him. “When you were beating the shit out of Jason… I… I panicked. I had my pocketknife on me, so y’know, I put it in your arm. You were fucking bleeding all over the place, man! Why the fuck aren’t you bleeding now? ” “You never stabbed me! ” I said, “Petey. I’ve been home all day! ” He stared at me mistrustfully for a moment, before shaking his head. “No… No way… I saw you…” “I’ve been here. ” I repeated, and Petey went silent. “Oh fuck…” He said softly, “Then… Then who the hell was… We gotta tell Jason! He’s pissed! I mean, he’s fucking out for blood, man! Soon as he’s out, he’s going to be looking for you! ” “What? ” My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t understand what was going on… I thought back to the pain and to Aunt Stacey. I remembered the pain I’d felt the night she’d died… The night I’d brushed her off from whatever she was trying to tell me... “Petey… Help me search the house. He gave me a strange look. “For what? ” “Something’s wrong… Something’s up man… How long ago was Jason attacked? ” “I dunno, an hour or so ago. ” The same time I’d felt the pain. My heart was racing. I needed to look. I could feel it in my bones. “Just help me look. I’ll explain everything…” I’m sure my story sounded insane. It felt insane! But Petey listened in silence as we tore through what had once been Aunt Stacey’s home office. There wasn’t much to find. Old bills. Receipts. It didn’t help that I wasn’t sure of what I was looking for. “Hey, is this anything? ” Petey asked after almost a half hour of searching. I looked back at him. He was holding one of Aunt Stacey’s old photo albums. I went over to look at it. “What do you see? ” I asked. I looked at the picture he had his finger over. It was an ultrasound image. It was hard to make out exactly what it showed, but I thought I could make out two distinct white shapes. “My friend Cameron, his big sis got married a few years back. Last I saw her, she was expecting twins. ” Petey said, “And her ultrasound looked a lot like this. She was showing it off. ” I frowned and looked at the image. I took it out of the album and flipped it over. I recognized my Moms handwriting there. It said: Jack and Jake. My angels. “What…” I said softly, and looked back up at the shelf with the photo albums on it. “Take them down. ” I said, “We’re going through everything. ” It took us a while, but it was a sense of direction. We flipped through every book and we picked out whatever seemed relevant to the puzzle we were putting together. What we found still sounded too insane to believe… but it was certainly something. Cards congratulating my Mother on twins. More ultrasounds. Copies of test results confirming two healthy babies… confirming I had a brother. Jake. Then came the pictures of my birth. I’d seen those before. Baby me swaddled in my Mother’s arms. Her expression seemed melancholy. Bittersweet. I’d never thought much about it before, but now I did. There was no sign of Jake. There was no mention of him beyond my birth. It was like he’d disappeared completely. “Maybe he didn’t make it…” Petey said softly as I studied one of my baby pictures, “Y’know… Stillborn. ” “Maybe. ” I replied. “I don’t understand, though… How does this tie into… well, the other me. Jake’s dead! ” Petey just shook his head. “I dunno man. I don’t get this voodoo shit…” Behind us, we heard a knocking at the door, and I left Peteys side to go and investigate. I spotted two figures on the other side of the frosted glass pane, and upon opening the door, I was greeted with two Police officers. I could see a squad car with two more on the street behind them. The two officers immediately pulled their guns, aiming them right at my chest and on a reflex, I put my hands up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy now! ” I stammered. One of the cops reached for his cuffs and was behind me before I could react. “Jack Marshall you’re under arrest for the murder of Jason Serkis. ” No formalities. Just the arrest. Petey stood in the kitchen, watching as the second officer trained his gun on him. “On the ground, now! ” The other two officers rushed towards us. One of them stopped to help the first officer bring me towards the Police car. I didn’t put up a fight. I didn’t know how to react. Then it dawned on me. Jason was dead, and there was only one person who could have killed him. They had it all on camera. Me coming into Jason’s hospital room and blowing his brains out with a. 45 revolver. As cases went, it was open and shut. I was given a lawyer of course. But his advice was just to plead guilty. Petey got off easier. There was no evidence tying him to the crime, and I’m sure he knew I’d be fine with it if he lied to cover his own ass. No use in us both going to jail. My cell isn’t too bad honestly. I mean, it’s exactly what one would’ve expected a cell to be. But by the expected standards it was nice! I’m only in here until they sentence me. Then I’ll be moved. All I’ve really got is a notepad to record my story. That and regular visits from Petey. He’s been trying to find more information about this ‘Twin’ of mine. Most of what he’s come up with is some Neo Religious bullshit Aunt Stacey kept around the house. Some of her trinkets were supposedly charms of some sort. He was trying to figure out what they meant, but without much luck. I still go out into the yard with the rest of the inmates and for the most part, nobody really bothers me. There was one guy… Only one. He was a tall, stony eyed muscular bastard with a swastika tattooed on the back of his head. I’d seen him plenty of times before. He was in the cell across from mine. But I didn’t know his name. I was out trying to get a short walk in and enjoy the sunlight when he came up to me, blocking my path like a brick wall. “You. “I’m getting really fuckin’ sick of you. ” “W-why? ” I had no idea what I could’ve possibly done to offend this giant slab of meat. “You keep fucking staring. What, you never seen a White Man before? ” He imposed on me, getting so close that it was almost homoerotic. I didn’t say that to his face though. “I- I don’t mean to…” I could see some of his Nazi Buddies getting closer. There were no guards around. No one was there when he threw the first punch. I’d never actually had the shit beaten out of me before, and I didn’t enjoy my first time. When he was done, I lay on the ground, covered in dust and bleeding. The guards didn’t bat an eye when I limped back into the facility. They just left me in my cell. The Nazi sat in his cell across from me, glaring intently as if warning me not to say a word. I thought about trying to call the guards and tell them what happened, but they hadn’t cared when I’d come in. I doubted they’d care now. No… There was nothing I could do about that sonofabitch, and I hated that. I hated him. I hated the helplessness. But I resolved to keep ’d just beat me again, maybe even kill me, if I talked. It turned out… I didn’t have to do anything at all. It was that night when I heard the Nazi yelling. “What the FUCK? How are you…” I got up off my cot and stood at the bars of my cell. I couldn’t see much, just someone standing over the Nazi’s cot and bringing their hand down over and over again. He didn’t scream. The sounds he made were more strained gasps and grunts of pain. My own body hurt too. I could feel white hot stabbing pains in my chest. More and more of them constantly. I gripped onto the bars of the cell door to prevent from toppling over. I wanted to be sick. “Fucker…” I heard him wheeze, before the figure over his bed backed away. I caught a glimpse of a knife in their hands and for a moment, they looked over at me. I found myself staring into my own eyes. I was looking at myself. The Other Me grinned before stepping away into the darkness. Then he was gone. I heard a Guard approaching quickly and laid back down in my cot, feigning sleep. I listened as they discovered the body. But no one said a word to me. What I’d seen was meant only for me. I’d already pieced most of it together by the time I got the letter from Petey. He’d found something else in my Aunt’s house. Buried deep in one of her safes was a letter that was meant for me, just in case she wasn’t able to tell me herself. I won’t recount the entire thing. But it put the missing pieces nicely in place. My twin brother Jake died at birth, just like I’d suspected. Mom used to think of him as my Guardian Angel. That lullaby she’d sang me, he was the Angel she’d been referring to. My parents really did die in a Car Accident. But not the way I’d been thinking they had. Mom had survived, and she’d told Aunt Stacey what she’d seen before it finished her off. The crash hadn’t been a malfunction, or bad weather. My Dad had been driving that night, and he’d thought he’d seen a child on the road. He swerved to avoid them, and went off the road. Mom survived just fine however, and was able to see the Child in the middle of the road. That child was me… Or what looked like me. Jake and I were twins after all. I don’t know if my Mother died from her injuries, or if Jake was responsible. I think Aunt Stacey had her suspicions, but no way to verify them. As for why Jake had come, the trigger for it all, Aunt Stacey had figured out that part too. It was my rage that summoned him. That night on my Birthday, I’d been angry at Aunt Stacey for trying to stop me from going out with my friends. I’d been angry at Jason for trying to pull me back into his drugged up lifestyle. I was angry at the Nazi. I was angry at Mom, the night she died. The memories came back slowly, but I did remember it. She’d told me I couldn’t go to the movie with her, my sister and my Dad. I didn’t understand why. I wanted to go with them! She’d sang that lullaby to calm me down before putting me to bed. But the damage was already done. Aunt Stacey had figured it all out long ago. She’d taken steps to shut Jake out and keep him from manifesting. But she wasn’t sure how much longer they’d last. That’s why she wanted to tell me. To warn me of what was coming. I don’t think there’s any stopping Jake. A few other inmates have been killed over the past few days. Friends of that one Nazi bastard. I can only imagine there will be more. I feel it every time they die. Maybe that’s my punishment for summoning Jake. Even if it’s not a conscious choice, I’m still punished for his actions. I’ll send this off to Petey, and maybe he can find something to stop Jake for good, but I doubt it. I think that for the rest of my life, I will be my Brothers keeper.


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  • Creator: Zachary Elwood
  • Info: Author of Reading Poker Tells trilogy; also have video series. 1st book translated into 7 languages. Have podcast about behavior analysis/prediction (see link).




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